One of my favorite fandoms from my childhood, I was hooked on the original animated show from 1987-1996, and played with the toys and video games growing up.
So it was a delight to see the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and have the opportunity to meet Ninja Turtles screenwriter, Evan Daugherty! He even loved my T-shirt (available from!

The movie to me was mostly awesome, lots of exciting action and great comedy (not all intentional), some classic turtle lines from the cartoons/video games, and made good nostalgia. Though there are some cheesy lines and plot holes (and those damn nostrils), it's still a solid popcorn movie that exceeded my expectations and will delight TMNT fans! My fave scene is the elevator scene, which you can watch here!
Also check out the video at the very top, it's my own orchestral tribute to the theme song from the original 80's cartoon, which has appeared in many of the video games as well, and will always be the Ninja Turtles theme to me.

With the Nickelodeon based Turles at Comic Con, an excellent animated version of the Turtles.

Still prefer how they look on the Nickelodeon show.
Also look out for my friend Minae Noji (@minaenoji), who plays Karai in the new live action movie, and was in the Kevjumba/Dante Basco movie Hang Loose that I composed music for. She's totally badass, though I wanted to see her fight more, though as we all know, lots of cool scenes in movies end up on the cutting room floor.

With Minae Noji (Karai in TMNT movie)